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Travel Mobile App

The Problem 

Planning a trip can be very stressful and has many moving parts that are hard to keep track of including a budget and bookings. Very limited tools are a one-stop shop for users when planning a trip.


The Solution 

Offer users a platform that keeps them organized when planning a trip with features such as a budgeting tool, prompts to book elements of a trip, an itinerary, and a place to keep all travel documents needed. 

My Roles

User Experience Researcher and User Experience Designer.​


Tools Used

 Figma, Google Suite, InVision, and Miro

01 User Research

Step 0_ Proto Persona.png

Proto Persona

Creating a Proto Persona allows us to know the user group to target to start the research process. 

Key takeaways:

  • The user is unorganized

  • The user enjoys travel and feels that life is too structured  

Affinity Diagramming 

After conducting interviews, the Affinity Diagram was created with many notes from the user interviews. The first image shows all of the notes taken, whereas the second image shows the common themes and categories discovered. This is a great tool to use to organize all of the data collected.

Step 3_ Affinity Diagram 1 .png
Step 3_ Affinity Diagram 2.png
Step 5_ Persona.png


After conducting interviews, the persona was built based on research. This helped to visualize the users we were building the product for.

Empathy Map

Creating an Empathy Map helped the team to obtain a deeper understanding of the user and make sense of our qualitative research.

Step 4_ Empathy Map.png

02 Ideation


To kick off the prototyping phase, we started brainstorming using the I like, I wish, and What if method. We then took all of these notes and organized them into a feature prioritization matrix that can be found below!

3. Brainstorm and ideation process.png
4. Feature prioritization matrix.png

Feature Prioritization Matrix

Creating the Feature Prioritization Matrix helped us to understand what features are most important to our users.

Key takeaways:

  • Easy budgeting tool

  • Simple process for bookings 

  • Reward systems

Value Proposition

Using the Value Proposition tool, we were able to ensure that we were building a product that matches the user's needs.

5. Value proposition.png

User Scenario

Using the User Scenario tool, we were able to outline a realistic situation where the user would typically use our product. This helped us to understand the behaviors of the user, which is very important during the design process to help refine features and spark new ideas. 

6. User scenario.jpg
7. Storyboard.jpg


Creating the storyboard allowed the team and I to shape the user journey and visualize our users in a scenario where they would use our product and the outcome of that.

User Journey Map

Using the User Journey Map tool, we were able to gain more insight into how the user could interact with our product, which allowed us to start to design a tool that our users would find easy and intuitive. 

8. User journey map.png

03 Prototyping

UI Style Guide (1).png

Style Guide

Creating a style guide allowed us to develop a cohesive design and stay on brand when making high-fidelity prototypes for both the desktop and mobile versions of the website. 

The colours blue and green were chosen as they are earthy and are seen as calming.

User Flow

Creating a user flow illustrates the potential paths the user could take while using the application. This tool allowed us to jump into creating wireframes and start the prototyping phase.

User Flow 2.png

IOS Mockups

After conducting many usability tests, there were a few bugs to be fixed such as including prompts to keep the user organized, adding plus symbols for the user to book multiple flights and accommodations

Screen Shot 2022-09-08 at 4.09.30 PM.png
iPhone 13.png
iPhone 13 Pro.png

High-Fidelity Wireframes

Once the mid-fidelity wireframes were done we conducted usability testing, which resulted in very positive feedback. Afterwards, the design process took off! The design started off with a very white and bright application, but after testing, there was a change to the dark version, which got a much better response. 

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