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MEtime - Wellness App 

Overall Concept

 Create a mental wellness app for users who are very busy and do not find time in the day to focus on their mental wellness and may not know where to begin with their mental wellness journey.


Our Solution

MeTime - A mobile app that ensures that workers who have a very busy schedule are also taking a few moments in their day to focus on their mental wellness.

My Roles

User Experience Researcher, User Experience Designer, and Presenter â€‹


Tools Used

 Figma, Google Suite, InVision, and Miro

Problem Statement 

Our user, who has a very busy schedule, needs to find times in the day to focus on their mental wellness when feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious. Our solution should deliver a way for them to keep track of their busy schedule as well as suggested times to do wellness exercises with guides to decrease stress and anxiety, and increase mental wellness and positivity.


User Insight Statement 

Our user, who has a hard time with work-life balance, needs assistance finding times in the day to focus on their mental wellness and be given tools to implement because they want to feel less stressed and find more time for themselves during the day.

01 User Research

Proto Persona (1).png

Proto Persona

Creating a Proto Persona allows us to know the user group to target to start the research process. 

Key takeaways:

  • The user wants to make more time for themselves 

  • The users need guidance to help them with different wellness activities to do 

  • The user wants a better work-life balance 

Affinity Diagramming 

The diagram showed us areas to work on and allow us to know what features users may look for in our application. Users get stressed when they have many to-dos’s throughout the day and can’t find time for themselves If the user can find time to take a break, they watch a show that doesn’t use much brain power

Affinity Diagram (1).jpg
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User Interviews - Insights 

Our user group are people who always put 110% into everything they do Our user group often feels close to burnout due to everything they try to squeeze into their schedule Our user feels there is not enough time in the day to do what they want/need to get done, so mental wellness is not seen as a priority 

User Persona.jpg


Our user group are people who always put 110% into everything they do Our user group often feels close to burnout due to everything they try to squeeze into their schedule Our user feels there is not enough time in the day to do what they want/need to get done, so mental wellness is not seen as a priority

02 Ideation


Using data from the user interviews, we made notes from the user's perspective outlining what they like, and what they wish, answering the question “what if” they had an app that does ____ This helped us to start to create an app with features users will want to see and use.

I wish, I like, What if (1).jpg
Feature Prioritization Matrix (1).jpg

Feature Prioritization Matrix

Creating the Feature Prioritization Matrix helped us to understand what features are most important to our users.

Key takeaways:

  • Helping the user schedule proper break times

  • Guiding the user through wellness activities 

  • Notify the user when it's time to do a short activity 

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The storyboard helped us to understand our users experience with the application The storyboard is based off of the research we recorded during the interviews and conducting the survey

User Journey Map

This exercise helped us visualize when a user would need our application, when they would use it, and how it would fill their pain points The user journey map encouraged us to come up with opportunities for features that we could design for the application.

User journey map.png

03 Prototyping

User Flow

Creating a user flow illustrates the potential paths the user could take while using the application. This tool allowed us to jump into creating wireframes and start the prototyping phase.

User Flow Reiterated.jpg

Information Architecture 

This tool helped us to understand and visualize the main navigation of the application. This was created with the target user group in mind as it is kept short and simple, easy to understand, and has familiar navigations that the users would be familiar with.

Information Architecture.jpg

IOS Mockups/Clickable Prototype

Creating mid-fidelity wireframes and mockups allowed the team to start testing the product and sort out any issues before moving to the high-fidelity version. 

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High Fidelity Prototype 

After creating and testing the low--fidelity prototype, I moved on to create a beautiful design with friendly language and a calming appearance. 

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