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NOxyDerm Website

The Problem 

It is very difficult to find the perfect place to rent with a great landlord/tenant. Many of the applications available are not user-friendly and aren't built for the new generation of home renters who are on the go and/or mobile-oriented.  


The Solution 

SwipeRent is an application that allows renters and landlords to swipe right on one another to make the process of finding a home/tenant fun, light, easy, and not one-sided. Once a renter swipes right on a property, the landlord will get a notification and have the option to swipe on the renter. If it is a match, they can begin chatting about a tour!

My Roles

User Experience Researcher, User Experience Designer, and User Interface Designer. â€‹


Tools Used

 Figma, and Adobe Photoshop

Wireframes, Design, & Prototype

See it in action

I created a slick design catered to younger renters to not be overwhelmed during the renting process. I focused on UX Writing, ensuring users feel taken care of, excited, and knowledgeable. The UI is very easy to use, and very similar to many dating apps that the user group has seen before. Click on the video to see the app in action OR try it our yourself HERE!

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