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I am driven by new challenges, passionate about storytelling, and coming up with out-of-the-box and innovative ideas while combining creativity, technology, and business.


Want to know some fun facts about me? Scroll down!


Peru 2017

In the summer of 2017, I decided I wanted to volunteer for a month in Cusco Peru. I lived in a host home where I had the opportunity to learn about Peruvian culture and meet other volunteers from all over the world. While I was there, I took Spanish classes and I volunteered in a classroom with 4-7-year-old children. During the last few days of my trip, I had the chance to volunteer in a hospital with children who were diagnosed with leukemia. We spent days doing crafts, singing songs, and trying to have as much fun with them as possible.


I have been playing the piano since I was 4 years old. Over time, playing the piano has become a stress reliever for me and has taught me to live in the moment while I am playing and to focus on that one task. I enjoy finding new pieces to learn and pushing myself to try a difficult song that I never thought I could play. All it takes is some patience and practice.


Theatre Nerd

Yes, I know... I am one of THOSE. I am the kind of person that listens to musicals in their free time. This obsession all started in the 3rd grade when I joined Charactors Theatre Troupe. Charactors is an after-school program where you rehearse a play for the school year, and perform it in a theatre for family, friends, and anyone else who would like to see community theatre. This Troupe changed my life and has taught me leadership skills, the importance of community, and confidence. I ended up staying with this Troupe for 10 years, and I even went to an arts middle school and an arts high school where I specialized in Drama.

Me and the Boss

When I was 12 years old I ended up going on stage at a Bruce Springsteen concert and I sang the chorus of the song Waiting on a Sunny Day. To this day, it is the coolest thing to ever happen to me... Wait, let me rephrase, it is the coolest thing to ever happen to my Dad.

(Jump to 3:34 to see me!)

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